
Please let us know if you’re looking for accommodations - we’re happy to give advice. The venue is on Mount Desert Island’s “Quietside” and is about 15 minutes away from Southwest Harbor, and 30 minutes away from Bar Harbor or Northeast Harbor. Bar Harbor definitely has the biggest selection of places to stay on the island. We’ll be adding various ideas and options to this page as we go.

Bed & Breakfast

Bar Harbor - Acacia House, Saltair Inn

Hotels & Cottages

Southwest Harbor - The Claremont Hotel

Bar Harbor -

Northeast Harbor -

Hulls Cove - Salt Cottages, Gallagher’s Travels

AirBnB or VRBO

Check for listings on the Quietside (villages/towns include Tremont, Seal Cove, Bass Harbor, Pretty Marsh, Southwest Harbor, etc.) if you want to be as close as possible, but there are tons of options on MDI in general.